Generate event registration and attendance with our experts in event and conference marketing
Events, seminars and webinars are consistently rated by B2B / B2C marketers as one of the most effective ways of generating sales leads. Use us to generate attendees and you will benefit from our experience of marketing hundreds of events, seminars and workshops with qualified visitors, both on a free to attend and a paid basis.
Social media, email and direct mail invitations can be effective, but speaking to your invitees directly is the surest way of generating attendance at events. It’s also one of the few ways of discovering why invitees don’t plan to attend and of engaging with those who are strong prospects but just can’t make the date.
We offer an event marketing service package developed over many years, including pre and post event calling to tease out the maximum ROI from your spend.
Our experience of event marketing spans audiences from SME contacts right up to board level within enterprises. We can operate as part of an integrated marketing program or simply go straight in with a cold call.
As with all of our work, we blanket record all of our calls, so that you can hear the quality of our work for yourself.
For these kinds of projects the tempo is high - every day’s calling in the run up to the event is critical. With our event, conference and seminar marketing you will receive daily reports and a high degree of contact, insight and drive from an experienced account manager.
- Rapid Campaign Launches
- Daily Reporting
- Scalable Team Sizes on Short Notice
- Blanket Call Recording